Nowadays it seems easier for anyone over 30 to be outdated than out dating. That’s why Judy Porter organizes a dinner about once a month for people who are over 30 and single. The dinners started about two years ago when Porter was sitting in Alfonso’s Italian Restaurant alone one day, talking with owner Pete Columbo. “I was talking to him about how I have a lot of single friends, but I didn’t want to clean my house so I could have them over,” she says. “So I asked Pete if it’d be OK for me to have them come to his restaurant.” Columbo agreed, and Porter organized the first singles dinner at Alfonso’s. The typical crowd for the dinners is somewhere around 20 people, and Porter makes sure the ratio of men to women is even to give everyone a chance of meeting someone special. “Usually every dinner, people meet and start dating, at least a date or two,” she says, adding that the dinners are a great alternative to meeting someone at a bar or nightclub. “Nobody buys you a drink or asks you to dance. It’s just chatting,” Porter says. “The only rules we have are that you’re legally single and that you leave a good tip.”

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To find out more about the singles dinners, e-mail Judy Porter at