I suspect that many of us, at some time, have dreamed of that one phone call that can literally change the direction of our lives.
Last December, Dr. Bob Smith, a local philanthropist placed such a call. He offered to contribute, through the Bob Smith M.D. Foundation, $1 million to a program that would make a difference in the lives of children and youth in the City of Dallas.
On Aug. 23, Chief Ben Click and the City Council made public an unprecedented effort to impact the lives of our young people.
This program, designed to enhance many existing programs as well as incorporate new incentives in education, is founded in the very fundamental idea that everyone plays a role in making Dallas a better place.
By forming partnerships with our police officers, ordinary citizens can truly impact crime in our neighborhoods. By promoting partnerships with our schools, we and our neighbors can help young children who are struggling to learn.
Better Kids-Better Dallas offers the promise of a better future to thousands of Dallas citizens. Many children in primary grades will be challenged to improve their academic performance and rewarded when they achieve their goals.
Thousands of young people will have the opportunity to establish relationships with Dallas police officers through increased participation in the Police Athletic League, Police Explorer Scouts and Law Enforcement Teaching Students.
By placing new emphasis on making our schools and neighborhoods safer, our children throughout this City can look forward to more positive environments in which to learn and grow.
In partnership with our Dallas County Community College District, hundreds of young adults will be able to acquire the skills needed to gain meaningful employment.
We acknowledge that this effort is both ambitious and complex, but our first step toward effectively addressing our problems is the recognition that there are no simple answers. The answers lie within each of us, and every citizen of this City must help find those answers.
With your help, Better Kids-Better Dallas can mean a better future for us all. Please call 965-9005, and make your pledge to become a partner with the police and your neighbors to make certain that Dallas offers our children the future they deserve.