Robert and Judy Dawson, longtime residents of Lake Highlands area, worked diligently for many months to canvass residents who live within the area bounded by Kingsley, Audelia, Northwest Highway and Jackson Branch Creek.
They wanted to determine if there was interest in forming a neighborhood association to preserve, protect and advance the common interests of this defined neighborhood. They wanted an association that would disseminate information of interest to its residents and promote a spirit of community among its members, while enhancing and supporting existing groups within the neighborhood.
After the door-to-door canvassing was complete, Robert and Judy were convinced the residents wanted a homeowners association that would provide all this. They held a town hall meeting in mid-May at White Rock Elementary, where issues such as crime watch, neighborhood beautification and City Council agenda items relating to rezoning certain portions of our neighborhood were discussed.
The interest warranted further study and discussion. Another town hall meeting was scheduled at the Northeast Police Substation in June.
Several items were discussed at this meeting, including possible bylaws for the proposed neighborhood association. The group then voted to form the White Rock Valley Neighborhood Association or WRVNA.
Officers for 1994 are: Barney Inman, president, 349-4754; Robert Dawson, vice president, 349-0509; Claudia Goode, secretary, 341-2206; Evan Moser, treasurer, 348-7962; Vicki McBrierty, parliamentarian, 341-0047.
Committee chairmen include Pamela Kerns, beautification, 553-9708; Gerald Caldwell, commercial relations, 349-4301; Larry Brown, government relations, 349-3404; Terry Coleman, school relations, 342-9839; Gary Scoggins, communications, 348-3070; Tom McWhorter, public safety, 349-7464; and Bev Marr, social committee, 343-1737.
If you are interested in joining a committee, please call the committee chairperson.
Board Actions
With the availability of funds raised through membership fees, the board approved a project to clean the brick wall on the south side of Kingsley and on the east side of White Rock Trail. We rented four high-pressure water, spray-washing machines to eliminate the graffiti and dingy gray color caused by years of dirt and mold build-up.
The work was completed Aug. 20. Lunch was donated by local restaurants. Our thanks to all who participated in this worthwhile project to beautify our neighborhood.
If you have ideas for the association, you may direct your remarks to any of the committee chairpersons or the elected officers. We encourage you to do this, even if you do not attend one of our meetings.
Copies of the minutes and adopted bylaws are available from Claudia Goode at 341-2206. Annual dues are $25 and can be mailed to Evan Moser, 9562 Crestedge, Dallas, 75238. Or call him at 348-7962.
The next meeting will be Sept. 8 at 7:30 p.m. at White Rock Elementary School, 9229 Chiswell. We will present a description of the WRVNA’s purpose and current projects.
Be watching in the Advocate for notices of future meetings and recaps of actions taken by our officers.
Let’s get involved so we can all keep Lake Highlands a safe and beautiful place to live.