Feel like you’re missing something in your life?
Does part of you long for something, but you’re not quite sure what it is?
Many of us just can’t get comfortable with our lives, thanks to COVID and its aftermath, along with the current state of the economy, mortgage rates and the various wars and skirmishes raging around the world.
One thing we’ve all learned: True fulfillment can’t be found in Instagram, Facebook or TikTok. Being social online can’t replace rubbing shoulders with neighbors.
So here’s some good news: Things are mighty different at our neighborhood’s St. John’s Episcopal Church.
Father David Houk, who talked with us recently while making plans for a men’s camping trip, says there’s a place for everyone at St. John’s.
“We are anything but boring!” he says.
The group is engaged and engaging, and inside the neighborhood building you’ll find a diverse group of believers: men, women, children, families, singles, divorcees, married couples, widows, widowers — everybody is welcome, Father David says.
And the neighbors at St. John’s are looking for more neighbors to join in the community, companionship and camaraderie that fill the group’s activities.
“We have guitar-led contemporary services that are more informal to recognize diversity in expressions of worship, as well as traditional services with very high formalities — whichever you prefer,” Father David says.
“We have it all in three services on Sunday mornings and in one on Saturday evenings.”
In December, you can expect services filled with festivities and surprises:
Dec. 10 at 5 p.m.
Hear a “Celebration of Lessons and Carols” organized by organist and choirmaster Benjamin Kolodziej. This event draws people from throughout Dallas.
Dec. 16 at 11 a.m.
Join in a Christmas dinner for newly immigrated refugees. St. John’s partners with Gateway of Grace, founded by Mother Samira Izadi Page, an Iranian-born Episcopal priest. “The Bible has much to say about caring for the stranger. Expressing generosity of heart toward refugees comes from the overflowing love of Christ that has filled our lives,” she says.
Dec. 24
5 p.m. Stop by for a family-friendly Christmas Eve service
8 p.m. Join neighbors for a high-mass service.
“It’s a common refrain, ‘I believe in God, but I don’t need to go to church. I was fine during COVID; my life will be just fine continuing as I did then. Staying home. By myself. Alone.’ But that’s not really true or healthy,” says Father David, who has served as St. John’s rector since 2006.
The group’s mission statement is “Nurturing faith, inspiring hope and growing in love as we worship God, make disciples and serve East Dallas and the world,” Father David says.
“For our people, worship and service go together. You can’t have one without the other.”
Want to learn more? Check out St. John’s Episcopal Church today and stop in to meet new friends (no RSVP required) at 848 Harter Road; 214-321-6451.