On any typical National Signing Day, gyms, hallways, auditoriums and field-houses are filled with glowing parents, flashing cameras, proud coaches and high school athletes who made one of the biggest decisions of their young lives.

That’s a typical signing day.

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Thanks to “fun” weather conditions, the Lake Highlands signing day has been put on hold.

“Obviously since we have no school, and since the school is closed, we aren’t going to be having signing day today,” Scott Smith, LHHS head football coach said. “A lot of the kids will be filling out their paperwork from home, but as far as having the type of signing day we would like to have for these kids, we may have to wait on that.”

Smith said the idea of having a signing day for the kids next week might get tossed out there to see the interest.

Student athletes expected to sign today are:


Desmond Roland, Oklahoma State

Derek Floyd, Central Arkansas

Tre Stewart and Roderick Mackey are expected to sign with a school in the coming weeks.


Emmet Kumeh, Southern Methodist University

Cross Country

Meron Fessahaie, Rice


Jessica Ritter, Rose College

For now, Smith says he is happy with the representation the Wildcats program is getting.

“This is just another really good opportunity to show the success athletically that our students have gotten,” Smith said. “I think all of these players will say they got to where they are in part because of their teammates, who pushed them, worked along side them and competed with and against them. It’s pretty neat for all of the athletes at Lake Highlands High School.”