Shop …
…for clothing and household items at the White Rock Center of Hope Resale Shop at 10017 Garland. At this location you can also drop off donations of canned food, clothing and thrift-store items that will help local families cope with crisis. White Rock Center of Hope is a community coalition of churches, civic organizations, businesses, schools and people working together to provide services to families in need who live in White Rock area neighborhoods. “Donated goods and services provide 70 percent of our support,” organizers says “88 percent of this goes directly to help families in crisis.” Learn more at
Register for a triathlon …
… or a marathon through Team in Training (TNT), a program of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, or support someone who is already a member, such as Lake Highlands dentist Ashly Cothern. Cothern is training for the a September triathlon in Washington, D.C., alongside her friend, Rebecca Holmes, whose 4-year-old son, Gage, was recently diagnosed with cancer. Visit her fundraising page at Follow Gage’s progress at Learn how to join TNT at Meet an ultramarathoner who got her start with TNT in September’s Advocate cover story.
Know of ways that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to