News from the entertainment world: The long-awaited Dallas movie, based on the long-dead tv-show, is taking an unusual twist, going from remake of the old drama to possibly a total send-up of the original. At least, that’s the word from, which keeps up with stuff like this.

Apparently, John Travolta is still on-top to play quasi-evil J.R. Ewing, but the twist comes in the director/script writer shoes: Betty Thomas, who directed the big-screen Brady Bunch spoofs, and Pam Brady, who scripted Hot Rod with Andy Samberg, are apparently signed up for the show. No word on whether Jennifer Lopez, Luke wilson and Shirley Maclaine are still ready to be in the movie.

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The Dallas Convention Center & Visitor’s Bureau’s film group has been working feverishly to have all (or at least some) of the movie filmed here in Dallas, which was home to a fair amount of the original TV show. The gold-colored Campbell Center towers at Central and Northwest Highway appeared in the show’s opening shots, and a friend recalls that when Pam divorced Bobby, she lived in a Lakewood mansion.

Anyone remember any other local filming spots?