Yesterdays Lake Highlands Elementary Student Art Opening at White Rock Coffee was another successful show. This last show of the season, entitled ‘Van Gogh’, displays the works of the LHE 1st and 6th graders using oil pastel water color resist and water color pencils respectively as their medium.

The installation will be up until the end of May so stop by the coffee shop, grab a cup and check out the students very creative interpretations of ‘Starry Night’, ‘Sunflowers’ and ‘Self Portrait’.

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Below, music teachers Jenni Purser and Judy Avery discuss ‘Starry Night’ with art teacher Christen Scheevel. 6th Grade teacher Mark Dungan and a young art aficionado. 6th Grader Dashiell Pashley proudly points out his piece, as does 1st Grader Jimmy Gordon.