Santa was the star of the show at the 5th annual Light Up the Highlands Sunday hosted by Lake Highlands Junior Women’s League. He visited with families, took photos with children and flipped the switch on the giant Christmas tree in the center of the Lake Highlands Town Center. The tree will continue to light up every evening from 5:30 p.m. til 2 a.m. until mid-January.
You may view my photos here.
“Everybody’s in the holiday spirit,” said Sarah Matthiesen, president of the LHJWL. “This is our fifth year, and we added some new activities for the older kids who’ve come every year, so as they’ve grown, the event’s grown with them. We added the snowball fight and the snow luge – it’s been a big success.”
Over the last 14 years, LHJWL members have raised $850,000 in support of neighborhood projects, including the Flag Pole Hill Playground, Audelia Road Library and numerous improvements to the LH Recreation Center. This year’s proceeds will be used for the Trestle Project at White Rock Trail and Church Road, with metal signage, lighting and landscaping creating a welcoming gateway to the area.
You may learn more about the project here.