Jamila Tyson wants to become Ms. Health and Fitness.

Lake Highlands High 1999 grad Jamila Tyson needs your vote. The fitness and wellness coach, podcaster and motivational speaker is vying to become “Ms. Health and Fitness,” and the title comes with $20,000 cash and a spot on the cover of Muscle and Fitness HERS magazine.

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Jamila gets lots of support from her 5 beautiful children, but her biggest cheerleader is her father, David. The elder Tyson served on Richardson ISD’s school board from 2004 to 2010 and is active in the LH Chamber. If you stand near him, the proud papa is likely to share the most recent success stories of Jamila and her siblings, Jamal and Akilah.

“As the mother of 5, I am passionate about helping other moms live out a healthy lifestyle with grace and grit,” Jamila told Muscle and Fitness HERS. “I love empowering women.”

Jamila, who says she’ll invest her prize money in her health coaching business if she wins, has advice for folks hoping to become more fit and healthy.

“Take things one days at a time. Focus on small, realistic healthy habits, and build from there. My motto is it’s all about progress over perfection. Know when to give yourself grace on the journey of habit change, but also know when to push through with grit.”

“Warrior votes” costs $1 each here, and proceeds go to Homes for Wounded Warriors, which builds and remodels handicap accessible homes for injured United States military veterans. Free daily votes may be made here.