Vicky Suarez has announced she’ll compete with Megan Timme and Tony Casagrande to represent residents near Pearce and Richardson high schools as a RISD trustee.
Suarez, who formerly taught music at Prairie Creek Elementary and Dover Elementary, has two sons who graduated from RHS and a freshman daughter at Pearce. She has been heavily involved in the PTAs of various schools where her children attended.
“I have the perspective and experience of a longtime RISD parent,” says Suarez, who was awarded a Lifetime PTA Membership by the Prairie Creek PTA and a J.J. Pearce Memorial Scholarship by the RISD Council of PTAs. “This helped me pay for workshops and summer courses, some of which eventually became part of my Master of Music in Music Education, which I earned at SMU in 2017 while working full time.”
Suarez says her renewed education, and her work since 2019 as a music teacher in Plano ISD, have boosted her ability to serve students in District 1 and across RISD.
“My studies for bachelor’s and master’s degrees have focused on children and how they learn, and the way public schools and particularly fine arts involvement can help shape and nurture children,” says Suarez. “Lake Highlands parents should know I will work to be a voice for children, teachers, staff and the community. We all know how valuable a strong school district is for everyone in it, and we know all children deserve a quality education.”
Election Day is May 1.