The Wildcat baseball program hosted their first ever Alumni Classic over the weekend, with a Home Run Derby Friday night, Intrasquad Game for the current team Saturday morning and Alumni Game Saturday afternoon. More than 60 Lake Highlands High School graduates showed up suited-and-booted, ready to play.
Honestly, more alums fell down on the diamond than hit home runs, but the guys had a blast, and the stands were full of wives, children and, yes, even parents returning to watch the game. Apparently, once a Wildcat parent, always a Wildcat parent.
Retired Texas High School Baseball Coaches Hall-of-Famer Jay Higgins was on hand to work the pitching machine, and Voice of Lake Highlands Bob Johnston called the game after a barbecue lunch cooked by the dad of new coach Andy Parker. In the end, Team Young and Old rallied late in the game to close the lead but lost to Team Middle Ages by a score of 14-12.
You can see my photos from the alum game here and Chris Dishman’s (much better) photos from the alum game here and the scrimmage here.
“The parents loved our boys having the opportunity to spend some time around so many fantastic men over the weekend,” said Wildcat Baseball Parent Advisor Chris Klemme, father of team captain Kyle. “They didn’t just hear and laugh along with the great war stories, but really got some great character examples as well. We are hopeful that some of the alums’ winning traditions will rub off on our kids, and that this weekend was the beginning of what will be a great season for Lake Highlands Baseball.”
You can catch red dirt fever when the Wildcats host Woodrow Wilson Monday, Feb. 19 at 5 p.m.
Team Young and Old was comprised of Darrell Hernandez, Craig Yaksick, Wil Matthews, Ryan Browder, Kirk McJunkin, Adam Bosch, Ryan Smith, Colton Bradley, David Bott, Charles Hudson, Brian Thompson, Martin White, Casey Smith, Ryan Spencer, Ryan Dirting, Sean Guion, Blake Woodson, Hudson Taylor, Hunter Hannon, R.J. Burns, Ben Jenkins, Scott Dooley, Dan Dunigan, Chris Miller, Kerby Smith, Randy Christian, Beau Barnes, Corey Hill, Reid Slaughter, Taylor Stell, Eric Rich and Craig Rich.
Team Middle Ages had Taylor Chapel, Steve Farmer, Evan Curtis, Tripp Enlow, Brett Sawyer, Craig Thompson, Chase Bailey, Che Hendrix, Greg Ewing, Warren Cryer, Wes Woods, Tanner McElroy, Kyle Jenkins, Brian Felty, Sam Haster, Chris Knox, Brock Wallace, Casey Stegman, Andy Pendleton, Max Finklea, Josh Claudio, Wils Popejoy, Fielding Pittman, Tyler Sorenson, Randy Fox, Jeff Knox, Will Armer, Austin Busse, Jonathan Simon, Travis McElroy, Chris Spearman and Michael Miller.