Driver blows through stop sign. (

Driver blows through stop sign. (

One of the most common complaints among my neighbors, judging by the HOA social media page, is speedy drivers and ones who refuse to stop at stop signs—they might roll through or fail to yield at all.

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If you believe that the aforementioned problem is related to drivers not seeing or noticing the stop signs, you might be on board with the city’s low-cost way to improve stop sign visibility—red reflective tape.

Back in July, the Morning News published a story about the city’s efforts to improve stop sign visibility, which included outfitting signs throughout Old Lake Highlands in red reflective tape.

One northern Lake Highlands neighborhood, Whispering Hills, will become the fourth Dallas neighborhood to red tape all of its stop signs. According to neighborhood blogger Holt Mitchell, the tape makes a difference.

“The reflective post tape was added to the stop signs at Lawler and Whispering Hills when they were replaced last July. Since then, neighbors have noted more people coming to a complete stop at the intersection, especially at night,” he writes this week, adding that “the diamond-grade reflective tape will be installed by the city on the remaining 26 stop signs posts in the neighborhood over the next week.”