Two new programs at Lake Highlands Elementary, Angels and Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students), are having a big impact in the academic lives of struggling students while giving the entire campus a boost.
Angels, LHE moms and dads who’ve been trained as tutors and mentors by LHE’s Reading and Instructional Specialists, visit the campus at least weekly. Eight Reading Angels and three Math Angels use small group settings to play math or reading games and guide the students through hour-long activities designed to improve targeted skills. Most students assigned an Angel are struggling in class and are economically disadvantaged and/or speak English as a second language.
“This is my kind of thing,” said Holly Strohl, LHE mom and Lead Angel, who led efforts to rebuild the program last spring. She discovered mention on the school’s website of a simpler version of the program existing ten years ago. “These delightful children brighten my day. Last week, the kindergarten group I get to work with was thrilled to discover that I don’t speak Spanish. They want to have something to teach me, too!”
Strohl worked with LHE Principal Kim Sullivan, LHE Reading Specialist Veronica Bullard, and Instructional Specialist Hilary Puckett, and the program was reinvented and ready to launch when school began in August.
“We appreciate all of the parents who come to school and read to classes, stuff folders, make copies, laminate things, and help with class parties,” said Bullard. “However, the Angels represent a much higher level of commitment. They come to school at a certain time and day each week. Teachers and students count on them. We have seen so much progress since the Angels started working with students nine weeks ago. I can’t wait to see where we are at the semester mark and again at the end of the year.”
Watch D.O.G.S. are a whole different animal.
As part of this year’s Campus Improvement Plan, LHE is seeking more day-to-day involvement of fathers on its campus. They’re participating in the Watch D.O.G.S. program, an initiative of the National Center for Fathering, which strives to engage men, inspire children, reduce bullying and enhance the educational environment of schools.
Watch D.O.G.S. commit to spending an entire day on campus, monitoring the cafeteria, participating in classroom discussions, patrolling the hallways and playing at recess. They spend time in at least five different classrooms, guaranteeing they have more at stake than just their own kid and his friends, and they get to know the faces – if not every name – of students all over the building. So far 45 dads have signed up for duty, and more are expected to join.
“There is just something about a dad on campus,” said Principal Sullivan. “It’s not so much what they do, it’s their presence and how they do it that makes them so effective.”
Dr. Jeff Donnell, dad of fifth grade triplets at LHE, says his recent day volunteering flew by.
“I got to experience PE, math, recess, lunch, library, art and music,” he said. “I know everyone has a lot of work and life obligations, but I encourage every dad to take a turn. The reward is greater than can be described!”
“The students and teachers all love it when the Watch D.O.G.S. join us on campus,” said Kindergarten Teacher Susan Ruth. “One dad helped carve a pumpkin for my class and even fixed a broken flashlight. It’s especially impactful for the students who might not have a positive male role model in their lives. Our school is definitely better for having the Watch D.O.G.S. on campus.”
Group photo: The back row is Hilary Puckett, LHE Instructional Specialist, and Mike Miterko, Math Angel. The front row is Holly Strohl, Reading Angel; Melissa Blackman, Reading Angel; Erin McLaughlin, Reading Angel; Carolyn Potter, Reading Angel; Wendy Lucas, Reading Angel; Amy Darwin, Math Angel; and Veronica Bullard, LHE Reading Specialist.