, a “support group for your neighborhood,” just secured $60 million for expansion, raising its overall funding to $100,000. Back in January 2011 when we wrote about the use of social media for things such as event planning, crime watch, newsletters, etc., several digitally active neighbors mentioned—the first any of us had heard of it. It’s like Facebook, but your Nextdoor associates are your actual geographical neighbors, and based on recent reports, it looks like the next big thing.

Lake Highlands resident Corby Davidson, host of the drive-time radio show on The Ticket (which recently acquired FM channel 96.7), played for the listening audience some rarely heard footage of John F. Kennedy discussing in a recorded telephone call his distain for the U.S. Hockey team. 

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Disgruntled with your school district? Some members of the Dallas ISD in the White Rock area are considering secession. Our Lakewood Advocate reporter has the full story.