The Lake Highlands Exchange Club presented the LH YMCA with a gift of $1000 at their recent meeting, extending their long history of supporting the Y. The gift will be used in the YMCA’s Partners Campaign, which enables participants to enjoy a variety of Y programs and activities irrespective of their ability to pay.
The LH YMCA, which promotes youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, offers an active Adventure Guides program (formerly Indian Guides and Princesses), youth sports too numerous to mention, and a Youth and Government program to promote leadership and good citizenship. Kids’ Activity Nights give parents safe, trained childcare, and fitness/wellness programs are available for teens and adults alike. Their LiveSTRONG program is designed for cancer survivors, and hundreds of kids are already counting the days until summer camps begin.
Thank you, Exchange Club, and thanks for all you do, LH YMCA!
(In this photo, Exchange Club member Greg Duval presents $1,000 to YMCA Executive Director Roger Moon.)