The update is that there is no update. That’s according to Stephanie Colovas, senior managing director of acquisitions and development at Prescott Realty, the Town Center developer.
“I don’t have an update, and don’t think that means anything but that I don’t have an update,” Colovas told us in a voicemail. “Same old same old — we’re moving forward … all is going well, but I’m just not in a position to make any announcements quite yet.”
The voicemail was a response to a call we made to Colovas last week to check on the “busy and important week” post that many of you continue to comment on and email us about, as well as the “construction: what’s happening?” post that Ellen Raff wrote in April 2010, which recently lit up again with comments. (Keep them coming!) When we check in with Prescott executives from time to time, the response is usually something along these lines, which is to be expected until there is a firm tenant contract, most likely a grocery store (at least that’s what Precott envisioned in the beginning).
Colovas asked us to hang in with her, and said she would touch base as soon as she has something to report. When we hear something from Prescott Realty, we promise you’ll be the first to know. In the meantime, keep checking Back Talk for updates because we’ll have a Town Center announcement of our own to make soon.