The LHHS Student Council is preparing for their Community Blood Drive May 12, and they’re inviting you to join them. You can go online to make an appointment to give blood, then show up in the school library for your time slot. And if you wonder if your gift will really make a difference, ask 2009 grad Wilson Spreier, now a Fightin’ Aggie freshman. In December of his senior year, Wilson has playing a game of Ultimate Frisbee with his buddies when he had a collision on the playing field at the LH recreation center. The emergency surgery to remove his spleen required six units of blood and plasma transfusions. As his mom, Jeanne, told me, “Donating blood absolutely saves lives.”

To sign up, go online to the Red Cross LHHS link or email StuCo’s community service sponsor Sarah Hannah. Students 17 and older are eligible to donate if they weigh at least 110 pounds, and all donors will answer a few short questions to ensure that they are healthy enough to qualify. You’ll need your Red Cross blood donor card or other ID, and if you’re prone to anemia, as many women are, you’ll get a free test to check your iron levels. And a free cookie, don’t forget the free cookie.

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