Running on mostly flat, course, the Lake Highlands cross country teams got a chance to go all-out Saturday at the Rowlett Eagle Invitational.

Both the boys and girls teams finished sixth.  Meron Fessahaie, fresh off his win at the LH Invitational, finished second overall in 16:05.

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"He was trying to break 16:00 but he couldn’t do it," coach Alonna Knott said. "Part of the course was muddy in spots and it slows you down."

Two LH girls finished in the Top 15 overall. Freshman Sara Shaw was 13th and senior Michal Ann Starr was 15th. 

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Lake Highlands had never run the Rowlett meet, held at Springfield Park, until this year.

"The course was really flat and almost everyone improved from last week," Knott said. "Even on the JV level, across the board, everybody ran faster. It was a lot flatter course and the kids really seemed to enjoy it. I think we’ll be going back."

LH is also deviating from its normal season routine this week. The Cats normally would have taken their out-of-town trip to a Round Rock meet this weekend, but instead will have the cross country version of a staycation by competing in the Keller Cross Country Classic.

The Keller meet could be one of the more loaded competitions of the season with many of the area’s top teams scheduled to compete.

"We’re kind of excited because we’ve never gone out to Keller before," Knott said. "It seems to be working well, having a change of scenery."