Got a call from Jack Carlisle, one of our HCC Community Garden organizers, at 3:45 this afternoon saying, ‘JJ, we need you at the garden! Channel 5 is coming out and wants to interview us!’. Since I hadn’t bathed in two days, looked pretty low rent having helped rake hay and dig a few shallow trenches for the LHE 2nd graders that were at the garden only two hours prior, and had to pick up children in the next ten minutes, I did what any smart girl would do. I called for back up.
A.L. Nickerson and Steve Clary, both plot holders at the HCC garden as well as the LHCG and both instrumental in the ongoing progress of the LHCG, came to the rescue on very short notice. And they brought kids too!
I’ve no clue what the piece is – I was fielding children and trying to NOT be on camera. But in a glance I saw that both Jack and A.L. looked great – as did the HCC garden
After the jump, the video from the Channel 5 website: