Today the students of Lake Highlands Elementary brought home a letter from the principal reassuring us parents that, contrary to a DMN article that appeared in Sunday’s paper, LHE would not be closing. 

Wow.  Thank goodness I didn’t have time to read Sunday’s paper!  I would’ve been really freaked and wondered, ‘Hmm, what to do with Elsa!’

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Even though the DMN says that student enrollment has shrunk and loss of enrollment means loss of dollars, as per our school principal (whose word I tend to take to the bank), RISD is NOT currently considering the closure or combining of ANY campuses.  There’s been no formal or substantive discussions on the topic, and further, if closure or combining were considered, homeowners, parents, students, and staff would have the opportunity to provide input.

Now how come the DMN couldn’t have reported that?  Instead, the article had a scary skew to it – to the extent the principal felt it necessary to reassure parents.  I find that a bit lazy and irresponsible on the part of a major newspaper.