Updated: Spain beat Russia today and will play Germany in the final
I turned on ESPN Saturday just in time to watch Russia score a BEAUTIFUL goal to take the lead over the Netherlands; watched the shootout between Spain and Italy and yesterday I caught the tail end of Germany beating Turkey. See some of the game highlights here on ESPN soccer, or here. Russia will play Spain in about an hour on ESPN (‘course I’ll miss that as I’ll be here diligently working).
Some sports aficionados I know tune out soccer, expressing a disinterest that I don’t get. I love it — it’s kind of like playing the slot machine. Yeah, the chances aren’t great that you’re going to see a goal — but if you do, it’s so worth the time spent anticipating it.
If you are a soccer lover who longs for the camaraderie of fellow fans during the Euro 2008 Championship game between Germany and Spain, head on out to Trinity Hall Irish Pub and Restaurant
5321 East Mockingbird (Mockingbird Station) Sunday at 1:30 p.m.