TypePad might be back after a four-hour delay — as Jeff Seigel announced in the following post — but we are NOT up and running back at the Advocate Publishing mothership. At least we weren’t when I left at 4-ish. That’s when the battery in my laptop finally petered out. You see, we — along with a lot of our neighbors — lost power when the mid-morning storms hit. And, man … was I bothered by the whole situation, at first. For one thing, this is production week — that week of the month the whole team works together (sharing an electricity generated server) to put next month’s magazine together. It’s the time of the month when stress levels are up and spare time is nonexistent. So we essentially lose a day.
It was only after leaving the office that things fell into perspective.
Most ostensibly, my across-the-street neighbor’s tree fell on her house. Bulk trash items — boxes, branches and discarded furniture — were scattered about the streets. Fire trucks, ambulances and TXDOT trucks were all around. (That’s not to mention crazy floods in other areas of the country.) I had a plant in the street, but that was about it. I just heard on NBC that 85,000 Oncor customers are without electricity. I, on the other hand, have electricity. So I work.