Well, you have to hand it to the council’s economic development committee: When that group decides to get moving on something, they can sure crank out the decisions. First, they spent $40 million for the convention center land while almost simultaneously deciding that we should spend another $500 million to build and own the taxpayer subsidized hotel to be built on it ourselves. Then, after taking a couple of weeks off, the committee just last week targeted Reunion Arena to be closed — and will soon probably schedule a visit from the wrecking ball. And then, after taking a couple of well-earned days off, the committee may be back at it today: Apparently, enough research has been done in the past month or so to determine which of four competing developers should have a crack at the $500 million hotel project. Makes me wonder: If these part-time council reps with no obvious commercial real estate experience are so quick to pull the trigger on decisions that involve perhaps $600 million of taxpayer money, why can’t they be just as quick to fix the potholes and figure out ways to find enough money to keep the swimming pools open longer? Heck, they’re taking longer to figure out a name for Industrial Boulevard. Guess that stuff isn’t as much fun as spending big-time money.