The retailer known for its high-tech, almost surely unnecessary novelty items filed for bankruptcy in February, and what’s left of its merchandise is being sold for at least 20-40 percent off the retail price.

The NorthPark and Preston Center stores are the only ones left open in Dallas (I believe the Galleria store closed not too long after the bankruptcy was announced), and both stores are planning to close their doors in five or six weeks, likely no later than Aug. 1. Earlier this week, I couldn’t find any more of the Altec Lansing inMotion iM600 speakers for my iPod at the NorthPark store, but I glanced into the storage room and saw boxes and boxes of Philips 8" digital frames — and prices are only going to drop.

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Speaking of bankruptcy, the Linens ‘N’ Things stores at both Central and Park Lane, and near the Galleria are closing and have marked down their merchandise 10-25 percent off. In my opinion, the deals aren’t that great yet — they’re not allowing customers to use any additional coupons, so you might as well go to Bed, Bath and Beyond and use a 20 percent off coupon there, and be able to return the item. But a salesperson told me the stores will likely close in mid-August, so again, prices will only continue to drop.