Well … not as lost as I would have been were it not for the pop ups at the bottom of the screen explaining to the most naive watcher (me, for example) exactly what was happening on the intense plane-crash-survivors-on-a-not-deserted-island series, Lost. For example, when this pale bloody spiky haired guy tied to a tree appeared on screen, the pop up informed me he was Ben Linus, leader of the "Others".
From what I gathered surfing the blogosphere, the die hard Lost fan was less than thrilled with the add ons, calling them obvious and sloppily written.
But for a first timer like me, the Lost notes were invaluable. I always thought Lost might be fun to watch (hey, I liked Gilligan’s Island when I was a kid) but I could never commit because there was too much to learn after missing the first season. I think the creators realized that their audience was limited to those who’d been in from the start. The rest of us were too, er … lost. I figured Lost and I just weren’t meant to be. Until last Wednesday when I was on a treadmill at the gym, and there it was on the television I couldn’t avoid — notes and all. It was a little tough to keep up with the captions and the pop ups, but I think I actually have a clue what’s happening now. I might even watch this week.