I commuted between Dallas and Fort Worth for a couple of years and during that time I saw a lot of crazy things on the road—I saw accidents happen; I saw items including mattresses and swing sets fall off the back of trucks; I stopped getting my windshield replaced after the third time it was cracked by flying gravel. Now I work in Lakewood, so I don’t complain that much (except about that Buckner/Garland intersection at Casa Linda …). Mostly, I just listen to horrific traffic reports in the morning and thank heaven I don’t have to endure it. But I still go crazy over bad/reckless drivers—the ones that speed down Mockingbird weaving in and out of traffic and intimidating old ladies — the ones who despite their speeding spree, end up next to me at the nearest stop light.
My fascination with the traffic/driving situation is fading a bit since I landed a job closer to home. Nevertheless, this mock-news article in The Onion caught my attention. Check out the photo caption—it made me laugh out loud.