The scary looking apartments formerly known as Northwest Terrace are finally coming down and developers of the incoming senior community, Churchill Residential, have asked Lake Highlands residents to submit name suggestions for two private streets incorporated into the project. I got this info from my friends at the L Streets Neighborhood Association, the neighborhood closest to the development and they are looking for suggestions of street names that begin with an L. Hey, sounds fair to me. Send suggestions here. The estimated completion of the demolition for the full 20 acres of Northwest Terrace is May 2008.
In other Lake Highlands street-naming news, the folks at Prescott Realty also have some impending avenues, lanes and streets to label …
"Prescott Realty Group is ramping up to begin street layout and other prep-work on the Lake Highlands Town Center and is seeking community input in naming the development’s four planned roadways," according to a press release. Suggestions will be accepted online now thru Sunday, March 23.
more from Prescott’s publicity people:
To take part, simply (click) this link into an Internet browser. The landing page contains a simple entry form as well as a color-coded map to help participants identify each of the four streets and their location within the development. Complete the provided fields and click the “submit” button when done. Prescott will consider collected entries as it finalizes the names that will soon appear on the Lake Highlands Town Center street signs.
“The community pride and spirit found here in Lake Highlands is unmatched, and we hope to capture that enthusiasm by opening up the street naming process for public input,” said Vance Detwiler, president of Prescott Realty Group. “After all, Lake Highlands Town Center will become a focal gathering spot – – a true town square – – and these roadways are one more characterization of the experience that is to come.”
Initial horizontal construction activity, which includes site grading, will begin later this spring. Work to surface the development’s four planned roadways is expected to start later this year. Once complete, these streets will pave the way for shopping, dining, recreation, homes, and more. They will also connect the 70-acre mixed-use development, creating a sense of community and continuity.
Visit the Lake Highlands Town Center website for development updates.