Just got word from A.L. Nickerson, the hard working organizer of the first Lake Highlands Community Garden, that City funding and a grant from Scott’s Miracle-Gro has come through. Ground breaking on the site located behind the Armory at Goforth and White Rock Trail will soon begin. Thanks to the weather though, it’s going to be a tight schedule if the garden is to be ready for summer crops. The next steps:

• The City does a shallow tilling and gardeners and volunteers rake off grass
• The City does a deep tilling
• The beds are assembled
• The irrigation system is installed
• Compost is laid in the beds
• The fence is built
• The pathways are filled with wood chips

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Because of the tight schedule, says Mr. Nickerson, volunteers are needed. To that end, 25 hardy souls from J.P. Morgan-Chase have volunteered their backs to work the garden on Earth Day, April 12th. (I myself have a call into a Boy Scout Troop!)

While not even tilled yet, the garden has proven popular with Lake Highlands residents. The original 29 plots were expanded to 31 and there’s already a waiting list. By the time it actually takes shape, Mr. Nickerson will be looking for a second location.

Interested in helping out? Your ‘grunt work’ would be most appreciated! Contact A.L. Nickerson at gardeners@tx.rr.com