Ryan Rommel, membership director of the Lake Highlands Exchange Club and a promoter if there ever was one, is passing around this note in anticipation of another big LH Live2 event on Saturday:
"If we are able to to get at least 10 new members to sign up through Saturday night, we will draw from those new members towards Saturday evening’s end and award one lucky new member two free round-trip tickets to anywhere in the continental US!!!!!!" (the exclamation points are Ryan’s)
If you aren’t familiar with the Exchange Club, you should be: the volunteer club of LH residents and businesspeople is responsible for all kinds of scholarship money for neighborhood seniors, the annual 4th of July parade and lots of other great neighborhood projects. And the group’s LH Live2 event is bringing together 500 LH friends and neighbors to listen to several LH dad bands. Contact Ryan for more information or to join the Exchange Club today and enter yourself in the raffle for a chance to win the airline tickets. And call Stan Scates at 972-234-6426 for tickets to Saturday’s LH Live2 (better hurry: the last I hear, there were only 40 or so tickets left).