San Francisco Rose
3024 Greenville
Mon-Wed, 11 a.m.-midnight
Thurs-Sat, 11 a.m.-2 a.m.
Sun, 10 a.m.-midnight
MAN’S BEST FRIEND IS MORE THAN WELCOME on the patio of San Francisco Rose. If Fido tags along for lunch or dinner, the restaurant’s servers will automatically bring out one of the dozens of water bowls they keep in the back for furry patrons. And if that’s not enough to make his tail wag, a handful of complimentary dog biscuits should do the trick. The neighborhood sports bar has spent almost 30 years catering to its customers, including the canine faction. Their owners can choose from a recently revamped menu of traditional sports bar fare — potato skins, stuffed jalapenos and fried just-about-anything — as well as a few signature items, such as baked rose chips with special seasoning. “They’re addicting,” says manager Joe Baladez. The sandwiches and pizzas are always favorites, especially the meat lovers pie covered in sausage, hamburger, pepperoni and bacon, and the Sunday brunch crowd can’t get enough of the eggs benedict. Sundays are a popular time to bring pets, Baladez says, and so are game nights — two large flat screens broadcast the action from the patio. When the Mavericks were in the playoffs, the dogs often wore jerseys or bandanas in support. This time of year, expect to see to some canine Cowboys gear.