Someday soon neighborhood children will race each other over to White Rock Lake across a pedestrian walkway, down plant-lined paths, safe from traffic. And it began with the simple wish of one much loved wife and mother.

This is a single account among many we found of individuals who have tried, in a variety of ways, to preserve the beauty and usefulness of our 90-year-old lake. Some make financial donations, others volunteer their time, and still others contribute their ideas in memory of loved ones or for love of nature – love of an oasis that has survived for generations tucked away in the heart of a city filled with traffic lights and blaring horns. Here area few of their stories.

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The Hodges / Five years ago, Hampton Hodges and his wife moved to our neighborhood. They had spent almost every weekend prior to the move looking for the perfect neighborhood, a neighborhood surrounded by beauty, away from the cookie-cutter homes of suburbia and the cement of shopping center parking lots.

Mrs. Hodges spent most of those weekends at White Rock Lak