Along with this month’s home-delivered Advocate, you’ve received a copy of our annual special publication – Advocate Home Design 2000, a neighborhood sourcebook of ideas, products and services related to gardening, remodeling, and home furnishings. (Additional copies are available in our office, if you didn’t receive one.)

This is only the first of three new projects we’re undertaking this spring.

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In April, the Advocate receives a total makeover, taking on the more traditional appearance of a full-fledged magazine with glossy paper throughout the publication.

This change for the better is one we’ve contemplated over the years, and with our community and readership growing and prospering, now is a great time to continue our magazines’ gradual improvement. Don’t worry, though: We’ll continue to feature the same neighborhood stories you’ve come to expect for the past 10 years. We’ll just look a little prettier and shinier, that’s all.

In May, we’re adding another annual special section: The first-ever (to my knowledge) guide to White Rock Lake.

Our special 16-page glossy publication – with a press run of 100,000 – features a two-page map of the lake and its surrounding amenities, as well as a detailed walking tour of the park, helping us discover where to bike and hike, where to party, and where to relax and enjoy the scenery. It’ll be distributed free with home-delivered Advocates in May; additional copies will be available at all city Park & Recreation offices and at neighborhood businesses.

As I write this, our founding map and guide sponsors include the White Rock Lake Foundation, Realtor Donna Smithson with Henry S. Miller Realtors, neighborhood resident Gary Griffith and neighborhood restaurateur Jeannie Terilli.

There’s plenty of room left, though, if you would like to participate – individual sponsorships as well as corporate and business opportunities are available. Give me a call at 214-560-4212 or email me at, and I’ll fill you in on the details.

We’ve had the good fortune these past 10 years to develop into a growing publishing company with seven unique publications, a loyal monthly readership of more than 200,000, and a very loyal following of neighborhood advertisers who’ve grown along with us.

Thanks for your continued readership, and thanks for patronizing our advertisers. And don’t forget to let us know what you think about all of the changes.