I recently found myself drawn to the store aisle where clerks were putting out school supplies. The assortment of fancy markers, folders and other updated items captured my attention.
Eyeing the neon-colored notebooks, I longingly remembered my old, blue denim three-hole with the burgundy strip down its side. And that smell. It had to be the new crayons – somewhat oily and pungent. So many new colors.
And there was another smell. Fragrant markers – how wonderful! Even the standard white school glue jockeyed for shelf space with tinted and transparent varieties.
I saw my two teen-agers coming toward me. Urging them to join me, I showed them the new notebooks in bright colors.
“Look at these great notebooks! Hot pink! Crazy mixed-up blue!” I scratch the nylon surfaces. “And listen. Velcro pockets on the inside!” I demonstrate.
No thanks, Mom, they say. They only want black or plain blue.
I must have heard wrong.