One of the first things I discovered when elected to the City Council is that Councilmembers become the source of all information. I am contacted about every rumor anyone hears through the Lake Highlands “grapevine.”
While it is sometimes easy to halt the spread of wrong information, some rumors take on a life of their own. For example, take the current rumor that the owners of the property at the northwest corner of Plano and Kingsley are donating that land to the City for use as athletic fields.
That rumor has been floating around the community for at least a year and a half. Every time I hear it, like you, I become excited. Then I follow up with people in the know, only to be told that there is no factual basis. In short, the needed athletic fields will have to be provided somewhere else. That’s the bad news.
Now the good news. On May 6, voters approved, overwhelmingly, the bond package. As I have mentioned to you in the past, one proposition in the package includes a sum of money to purchase a site North of LBJ for eventual development as a recreation center. It is my hope that the City will identify a site which, with very little investment, can provide athletic fields for the ever increasing number of teams in Lake Highlands. I will work to make that happen and will certainly let you know if and when I make any progress.
In case you heard the rumor that the property on Skillman across from Plaza Rio Shopping Center is about to be developed as apartments, place no stock in it. The developer of that property actually intends to build zero lot line homes, which will be owner occupied. The plans presented to me suggest that this development will be an asset to the Lake Highlands community. Model homes are currently being developed and I suspect that the developers will love to have you preview their product if you are interested.
Residents in the Oak Highlands, Moss Farm and Town Creek areas have heard that improvements being made to Carriage Lane Apartments are so that property can be sold for low income housing. The truth is that neighbors adjacent to the property finally got fed up with conditions on the site and for several months have been working with Ed Barger and me to convince the owner to make improvements. At this point, discussions are underway and the owner of the property is being cooperative.
I suspect a number of other rumors are making their way through the neighborhood. I am always happy to investigate when constituents are concerned. If you hear something about Zoning, Land Use, Code Enforcement or any other issues related to City government, please call me at 670-3910.
The City Council will soon be mired in budget discussions. I hope that if you have specific concerns about expenditures or programs you will share them with me by either phone or a letter. The City Manager will present his budget in August and it will take six weeks for us to make adjustments and revisions. I need to know your thoughts before we begin.
Have a great summer and I look forward to seeing you at my Budget Town Hall Meeting in August.