Moss Haven Elementary School recently received the National Blue Ribbon Schools Award from the U.S. Department of Education.
The award is given to 276 schools nationwide that demonstrate excellence in leadership, educational environment, student performance and parent and community support.
Schools considered for the award submitted an application to a national panel consisting of educators, government officials, school board members, parents, the education press, and business and medical professionals. The top schools had on-site visits from panel members, which Moss Haven received in March.
“I’m really delighted,” says Mary Mamantov, principal of Moss Haven. “This school has so many people who are really dedicated. The teachers have a real sense of mission towards teaching children.”
Mamantov says the parents are equally committed, citing the almost 10,000 voluteer hours that were served during the 1993-1994 school year.
However, the people Mamantov is most proud of are the 577 students of Moss Haven elementary.
“The work these children produce is amazing,” she says. “It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.”
News & Notes
QUILT HEADED FOR STATE CAPITOL: A quilt constructed by Lynda Martyn’s fifth grade class at Highlander School will be on display at the State Capitol building in Austin. State Representative John Carona and his wife, Debbie, bought the quilt at a recent school auction and will donate it to the capitol building. The quilt is entitled “The Lord’s Soldier” and is made of red, white and blue fabrics forming silhouettes of George Washington, the Liberty Bell and a five-pointed star. Proceeds raised from the quilt will help finance a historical field trip to Austin for the class.
MOSS HAVEN ON FILM: The PTA of Moss Haven Elementary recently granted the Golden Apple Award to Gerry Mansour, owner of the Outback Steakhouse and member of the local school council, and Steve White, Moss Haven parent and owner of ScreenPlay, Inc., for making a film about Moss Haven. The award is given to those who make outstanding contributions to Moss Haven.
MATH TEACHER NOMINATED: The Lake Highlands High School PTA has nominated Laura Alverson for the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Outstanding Educator Award. Alverson teaches all levels of math and is the sponsor of Mu Alpha Theta, an honorary math organization. Her nomination was based on her relationship with students, parents and the community and on her dedication to her profession.
STUDENT RECOGNIZED: Lake Highlands Junior High student Amy Morale has been named a United States National Award Winner in Science by the United States Achievement Academy. This prestigious award is bestowed upon only 10 pecent of the nation’s high school students.
MATHEMATICIANS WORK MAGIC: The Moss Haven Math Team dominated at the recent RISD District Math Tournament. The team won trophies for first place in mental math, second place in team problem solving, and second place overall. The members of the team are Seema Daulat, Michael Hominick, Ben Jousan and Brian Malouf. They all won ribbons in individual problem solving, and Hominick won first place in individual mental math.