Volunteers gain a great deal of personal satisfaction by doing soemthing beneficial for their community. By involving men and women of all ages, a volunteer program is a positive approach to good government.
Citizen involvement in the daily operations of City government builds public awareness, a caring attitude and commitment to one’s community.
Volunteers also gain job experience, recommendations for future employment and the satisfaction of knowing they have saved their fellow citizens some very scarce tax dollars.
Volunteers working side-by-side with paid professional staff allow the City to contain overall operating costs and to provide valuable programs and services to citizens.
The CIVIC program (Citizens Interested in Volunteering In their Community), created by the City in 1983, is designed to organize volunteer efforts in all municipal departments and to present citizens with challenging and rewarding opportunities to contribute their time, talents and energies to a variety of public service jobs.
CIVIC aims to match talented and supportive volunteers with the City’s need to serve the public and enrich the quality of life in the community.
Volunteer opportunities with the CIVIC program include computer programming, data entry, general office, art/graphics/photography, nurses, drafting/engineering, public relations, bilingual interpreters, tour guides, recreation center aides, maintenance assistants, counselors, instructors, and consultants.
If you are interested in becoming a CIVIC volunteer, please contact the City Personnel Department at 670-3566 between the hours of 10 a.m.-3 p.m. weekdays.
In addition, there are some special projects we are undertaking in District 10. One of these projects is the Northeast Dallas Land Use Study.
A Land Use Study is a policy document used by City staff, the City Planning Commission and the City Council as a guide for future zoning and development decisions. The purpose of such a document is to stabilize and enhance property values and the quality of life in a community by promoting the use of well-thought-out and sound land use policies.
As a first step, we have recently put together a team of approximately two dozen volunteers from District 10 to conduct an inventory of existing uses. These surveys and other components of the land use study will be conducted by volunteers, after completion of staff training regarding the technical aspects of land use surveying.
This kind of hands-on citizen participation is very beneficial to the successful completion of the study. There is no funding available for the study, but the efforts of the volunteers will ensure the study’s completion as well as save the City much of the cost associated with the study.
Many of you probably have noticed the newly planted trees in the median on Audelia at Kingsley. Volunteers worked with the water department to secure the necessary irrigation, raised the money to purchase the trees and planted them at a small ceremony recently. This is another example of what good can come from citizens working to improve their community.
I will keep you posted on this and other projects as they develop.
Please feel free to call my office at 670-4068 if you would like further information on volunteer opportunities that interest you.