Willie B. Johnson Center Opens Addition
Expansion of the Willie B. Johnson Recreation Center, 12225 Willowdell, was dedicated recently by the Hamilton Park community and the Dallas Park and Recreation Department.
The center, which serves the residents of Hamilton Park (located near Forest Lane and Central Expressway), has been improved with a commercial-size kitchen, game room and crafts room. Youth, adults and senior citizens living in or near Hamilton Park use the facility for a variety of programs.
Dedication ceremonies featured City Councilman Donna Halstead, Park and Recreation Board member Alan Walne, the Rev. Eddie Jean Adams of Hamilton Park United Methodist Church, the Rev. R.E. Price of New Mount Zion Baptist Church, and Lois Finkelman, president of the park board.
The late Ms. Johnson spearheaded efforts to build the center, which opened in 1984 as one of 41 Dallas Park and Recreation Department centers.
Lakewood Home Tour, Crafts Show Set for Nov. 6-7
Antiques, art and architecture are the foremost features of the five homes to be showcased during the 16th Annual Lakewood Home Festival Nov. 6-7.
The walking tour, which benefits Lakewood Elementary School, encompasses seven blocks in historic Lakewood.
Four homes are included in the 6600-7100 blocks of Lakewood Boulevard. A fifth home is located one block away on Lakeshore Drive. The homes are open from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
The talents of quilter and tour organizer Kitty Ringsfield, who has converted the 1920s classic into a house of quilts, will be featured in one of the tour homes.
From wall hangings to bed coverings, the five-room, 50-piece display includes wedding, Christmas, friendship and antique quilts.
“One of the quilts being donated for display traveled cross-country on a covered wagon with the donor’s ancestors,” Ringsfield says.
Another home is a replica of the 18th century Colonial Williamsburg plantation of George Wythe, one of the Declaration of Independence signers. Homeowner Ann Conner is a descendent of Wythe.
As part of the festivities, the Lakewood Pre-School PTA presents its annual arts and crafts fair, featuring 70 juried artists with works including paintings, sculptures, quilted items and other crafts. The Quilter’s Cafe will offer luncheon fare donated by restaurants such as La Madelaine, Rudolpho’s, Dixie Lakewood and Franki’s Lil’ Europe.
Admission to the crafts fair and cafe, located at Lakewood Elementary, 3000 Hillbrook, is included in the price of the home tour ($6 in advance, $7 at the door). Admission to the craft fair only is $2.
Tickets are available at the school or Minyard’s at Gaston and Abrams. For more information, call 826-9541.
Chamber Hosts Wellness Fair
The Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce has scheduled a “Wellness Fair” from 3-7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 10, at the chamber offices, 9534 Losa Drive.
Medical personnel will provide blood pressure checks, cholesterol counts, glucose (blood sugar) checks, and hearing and vision tests. Cost is $5 per attendee.
The event is sponsored by the Health Concerns Council, and exhibit space is available. Call 321-6446 for information.
In other chamber news, 1993 officers and directors include Pete Sessions, chairman; Judy Summers, president; Missy Vanderbilt, 1st vice chair; Mark Goode III, 2nd vice chair/secretary; Larry Cline, community affairs vice chair; Susan Wells, communications division vice chair; Steve Hargrove, development/strategic planning division vice chair; Scarlett Ammons, events division vice chair; Sherryl Wesson, membership division vice chair; J.J. Lowe, treasurer; Suzanne Cochran, legal counsel. Immediate past chairman is William E. Cook.
Board members include Scarlett Ammons, Bill Baird, Jack Bick, Tommy Black, Greg Blair, Roy E. Bode, Bob Carroll, Polly Groening, Steve Hargrove, Dana Kimbrough, Michael Lambert, Larry Luttrell, Matt Martinez, Gerald McCoy, Joe Podson, Jerry Sanchez, Carol Sanders, Sandi Sanders, James H. Scott, Mark Shank, Jack Swindle, Hubert E. Townsend, Jonathan Vinson, Alan Walne, Nancy Ward, Susan Wells and Sherryl Wesson.
Chamber staff include executive secretary Marilyn Miller and bookkeeper Candace Prather.
Senior Investment Seminar Scheduled
Bank One and Clements Realtors have scheduled a free seminar Nov. 12 for seniors involved in selling a home and investing the proceeds.
Among the topics are home marketing tips, investment alternatives and ways to ensure a safe monthly stream of income.
Speakers include Ray Hardin, Wilma Elrod and Dick Clements of Clements, Realtors, and John McClain of Bank One Securities. The seminar will be held from 10 a.m.-noon at Wilshire Baptist Church, Room 154 North, 4316 Abrams.
For information contact Bank One’s Joan Poole at 827-8610 or Clement’s L inda Brunson at 823-2600.
Area Designers Sponsor Project to Benefit Needy
Local members of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) Dallas Association are working with Promise House, the YMCA Case Shelter and the St. Joseph Youth Center to develop positive living environments for the needy, according to ASID’s Beth Boston.
Donations include paint, furniture, blinds, shower curtains and plants, as well as the time and talent of the interior designers, Boston says. The donations are used in living units to help homeless youth make the transition to independent adulthood, Boston says. The homes being furnished are located in South Dallas and are leased from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Among the neighborhood residents involved in the project are Boston, Ed Frerichs, Floyd Davenport, Loren Sanders, Sandra Tingley, Marilyn Learning, Linda Steinberg, W. Charles Lee, Karen Gaither, and Pat Pokladnik.