Fifth grader Connor Miller noticed a problem. There wasn’t enough equipment for all of his classmates to participate on the playground at Moss Haven Elementary. With a little research, he found that this problem existed at a number of schools in Dallas, especially certain underprivileged ones.
With the help of his mom, he started raising money through lemonade stands and bake sales, using the money to buy and donate brand new sports equipment to schools.
Everybody Plays was born. Now in sixth grade, Miller donated $1,000 worth of equipment to Stults Road Elementary PE department in February. In March, $1,000 more to Skyview Elementary.
On Saturday, May 4, Everybody Plays will be selling LEGOs, sports trading cards and baked goods at A Peep At The Coops, a MHE fundraiser event. Tickets for the event are $5.
Keep up and get involved with Everybody Plays via their official Facebook.