Photo via Forerunner Mentoring on Instagram.

The offices of Forerunner Mentoring were broken into this week just a month after the break-ins of four of the organization’s vans.

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In an Instagram post, the mentorship program for boys shared that both personal belongings  and work equipment had been stolen, including work computers. In June, ahead of the start of summer camp, an unidentified person attempted to hotwire the vans, which resulted in damage that will cost more than $11,000.

“To be honest, it’s been a hard summer. This morning has led us to grieve not only what we’ve lost, but in a way join in the sorrow of all that the enemy has stolen from our boys,” Forerunner said in the post.

The thieves also took the custom hats reserved for donors, wifi router, video and camera equipment, cables and hard drives, iPads, gear bags, podcast equipment, hard drives and more, according to Forerunner Mentoring Director of Operations Beth Winter.

Cost for replacements of the stolen items are estimated around $31,000.

“The timing of this is especially unfortunate as we have a timeline of our lease being up at the end of August and the facility that we are moving our offices and programs into needing repair and renovation work before we’re able to move in,” Winter said in an email. “We have about $18k of repair and renovation work for that space that we are needing to get done before we can launch our programs for the fall.”
During this time, the program is still aiming to move forward with the fall program by Aug. 21.
“We’re grateful for the phonecalls, messages, and support we have already received. The Lake Highlands community is truly like no other,” Winter said.
If you’d like to contribute or find out more about the program, you can learn more on the website.