Trunk or Treat is a safe way for children to enjoy Halloween.

Have you ever slowed to consider the origins of modern-day Halloween? Adults dress as bloody axe murderers while young children wander the streets after dark and accept food from the homes of strangers. There’s got to be a better way to skin this (black) cat.

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The Lake Highlands Public Improvement District (LHPID) is pairing up with the Dallas Police Department, JAH Realty and Councilmember Adam McGough to host a safe and fun Trunk or Treat. Families, Sunday school classes, clubs and other community organizations are invited to decorate a car trunk or SUV and pass out candy in the Tom Thumb parking lot at Skillman and Royal.

Volunteers are encouraged to dress in costume and bring enough candy for the many children and young families expected to participate. If you can’t be there, donated candy will be gratefully accepted.

Trunk or Treat runs from 5-7 p.m. Oct. 31, and registration forms are available from