Dallas Academy invited Chris Woodin, math expert and author of Multiplication and Division Facts for the Whole-to-Part Visual Learner, on campus last weekend.
Woodin is a specialist in mathematics and learning disabilities and the
Ammerman Chair of Mathematics at Landmark School in Massachusetts. He held a two-day coaching workshop for teachers and students on what he’s dubbed ‘Woodin Math,’ which is math designed for students with learning differences.
What makes this teaching approach to math different is that it requires minimal language demands, multimodal strategies to help students express, relate, store and retrieve information efficiently. It tends to help students with dyslexia and other language-based learning disabilities.
Dallas Academy math classes are actively using multiple methods presented by Woodin.
“It’s about how our teachers can use these tools to support neurodiverse students and adjust what is needed for our students to succeed,” Dallas Academy principal Dr. Mandi Skerbetz said. “We are privileged to have a world leader guiding our teachers in research-based methods teaching math from whole to part and with minimal language demands.”