Threat written on a bathroom window at Richardson High

Two students were arrested at Richardson High School Thursday after a threatening message was discovered written on a bathroom wall. School officials ordered students in lockdown mode about 1:30 p.m. after “Ima shoot the school today @ 3pm” was found. The students, both female, were a 16-year-old freshman and a 15-year-old sophomore.

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The students will be charged with making a terroristic threat, Richardson Police said.

The lockdown ensured that no one entered or exited the building until the threat was evaluated. Classes continued during the lockdown according to RISD.

Superintendent Dr. Jeannie Stone shared a letter to parents via the district’s website, reassuring them of campus safety and urging them to speak to their children about the seriousness of threatening such a “hoax.”

“Two students have been arrested and charged with felony crimes. Their choices today will impact them for the remainder of their lives,” wrote Dr. Stone. “Please help [your kids] understand that actions or statements in any forum that threaten school violence, even if no harm is intended, will be met with life-changing consequences in the criminal justice system.”

After the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida, a list of safety measures and protocols was also posted to They include Lockout, Lockdown, Evacuation, Shelter and Fire emergency drills practiced at least once per semester, SROs (school resource officers) from Dallas or Richardson police departments at every junior high and high school, 24-hour security staff patrols using marked and unmarked vehicles, and visitor entry via buzz-in systems with camera surveillance. RISD also requires visitors to register with the front office and undergo screening using the Raptor Visitor Management System, and ensures that all students and staff wear ID badges.

You may read the full text of Dr. Stone’s letter here and read more about RISD’s safety policies here.