This weekend, Lake Highlands High School 1999 grad David Carl brings his zany “David Carl’s Celebrity One-Man Hamlet” to the Kitchen Dog Theater. The show, originally called “Gary Busey’s One-Man Hamlet as Performed by David Carl,” channels the Academy Award winner for “The Buddy Holly Story” more recently known for his antics on TV’s “The Celebrity Apprentice” and, well, his general antics.
After his show in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune praised Carl’s performance.
“So what Carl has crafted here is a show that works on at least two levels,” wrote the Tribune’s Kerry Reid. “It’s a pop-culture pastiche of ‘Hamlet’ (complete with Ophelia singing the Cranberries’ 1990’s hit ‘Zombie’) and a gently sardonic portrait of a guy who, like the Danish prince himself, never has quite lived up to the promise of his youth. Carl’s Busey feels like a guy who has spent many years wandering in a Hollywood landscape of sharks and fake kings.”
Proceeds from the event will support Kitchen Dog Theater’s production season and nationally recognized programs such as the annual New Works Festival, their high school playwright’s program and KDT’s new free ticket program for those unable to afford seats.
You can purchase tickets online here for the Saturday night 7 p.m. show or the performance Sunday at 2 or 7:30. Kitchen Dog Theater is at the Trinity River Arts Center, 2600 N. Stemmons, Suite 180.