Yesterday we (and every other media outlet in America) told you about Lake Highlands mom Jessica Liesmann whose reaction to being hit by a guy fleeing from the laws resembled some MMA stuff. Later that day, Kia was the first car company to pull the smart and inevitable publicity stunt of giving the family a new free car. Slow clap. A side note, I know everyone is talking about this — the tone is mostly cheerful, with others chiming in that she was out of line or that she doesn’t “deserve” a new car (if I had to deserve every generous thing someone has done for me in my life, I would never receive a thing!). I think it is important to note the information that Liesmann gave the media after the sensational event — she lost a child earlier this school year. As one commenter on Facebook put it, “this woman has been going through her own personal hell.” Let’s try to keep things in perspective, especially when it comes to our own neighbors.
The Dallas Police publication DPD Beat has some information about the latest phone scams. Hint: just don’t ever give into a bill collector demanding payment over the phone.
Services will be held today in Sunnyvale for a Dallas Police officer who lived in Lake Highlands who was killed in a suspected homicide-suicide.
Do you live near a Starbucks? This reportedly is a very good thing for your home’s value.