Lake Highlands Women’s League members celebrated a record-setting home tour, unveiling a mock check Friday night for $213,195 – the most ever raised in the group’s 45-year history. Last year’s Holiday in the Highlands raised $197,557.
“I attribute the success to the continued generosity of our neighborhood businesses and friends who know that a donation to LHWL will be used wisely,” President Paula Davis told me. “We are blessed with hardworking members who support our one fundraiser, not only with many hours of hard work both planning and hosting our annual home tour, but also through their generous financial support. We are so thankful to our 450 sponsors and to all the patrons who attended.”
“It is always great to see our returning patrons,” added Tour Co-Chair Michelle Dishman, “but it was really great to see young couples and more men on our tour than we have had in past. This is definitely due to the Twilight Tour, which overall was successful with an increased number of patrons. I hope we’ll continue to see the evening portion of our tour, but of course that is up to our home tour chairmen for 2015.”
“Though much about this year’s tour was new, most of my favorite things really weren’t,” continued Paula, “the excitement of walking through the homes with our patrons (it’s so fun to hear their comments), the continued generosity of our sponsors (we have many businesses and friends who support us year after year), the willingness of our wonderful homeowners to open their homes in a new manner (pre-tour and twilight tour), the support of our fabulous sustainers who help us man every aspect of the tour, and the fact that our one day fundraiser enables us to make a difference in the community.”