A man initially suspected in a series of 2013’s Lake Highlands sexual attacks has been sentenced to 90 years for the rape of an East Dallas woman. Fernando Munoz, 35, was exonerated in those Lake Highlands cases by DNA evidence. Another man, Cesar Benitez, was convicted of them. Munoz lamented in a letter his unfair detainment after “they caught the real Lake Highlands rapist,” but more forensic evidence did tie Munoz to the East Dallas rape (which happened just before the Lake Highlands attacks started) for which he was convicted. And this week he will stand trial, accused of two more East Dallas rapes, reports the Dallas Morning News.
Lake Highlands resident Sarah Krolczyk is featured in a WFAA story about Facebook garage sales. Facebook garage sale participants report making money and scoring great bargains.
In a reader poll, the Dallas Morning News’ Neighbors Go asks “Richardson-area readers” one of the most pointless questions ever — “What would you like to see in Lake Highlands Town Center?” Ha! You know, we used to ask that question, long ago. I even remember years ago when the developers asked said question via both focus groups and survey. Back then, many Lake Highlanders actually thought we could pick and choose what type of development we wanted there and that developers, or the greater retail world, would care about our input. It’s laughable now. Those of us who have been following this thing for the past seven years since developers broke ground and began promising “the announcement of a retail anchor soon” know what a waste this line of thinking is. It would be as meaningful and more fun to ask, “When recreational interstellar travel becomes available, which planet would you like to visit first?” (My answer is Miranda, a moon of Uranus. No, that’s not a joke and it doesn’t link to something NSFW. But that’s not a planet, you say? Who cares. It doesn’t matter. That’s my point.)
And what’s with asking Richardson folks — don’t they have their own town center? In Richardson?