If I worked at Huff Post, home of click-magnet headlines, I’d be fired for this anticlimactic one, undoubtedly, but I have no desire to tease Lake Highlands residents, most of whom have been beaten down by years of promises (see 2009 story here) and disappointment related to our Lake Highlands Town Center.
Things aren’t bad, necessarily — now instead of dense and faltering apartment complexes, we have a crisp new apartment building (more on that in a minute), a serene lake, park and trail and a large swath of land where we can host fun runs and concerts. For years we have occupied ourselves with fun guessing games such as, “Which grocer will it be?” Public art has been installed. Fish have been caught. [If you’re really bored, or want to be, go here for the hundreds of reports we’ve done on the LHTC over the years].
But the news, or lack thereof, just continues to be the same, month after month, year after year — ‘no tenant is confirmed, but we expect something soon.’
Since something eventually will happen, for better or worse, we have to keep paying attention. As of today, nothing has happened at Town Center insofar as development and acquiring an anchor tenant goes, or at least nothing that anyone will tell us about.
According to attendees at the May 19 Lake Highlands Area Improvement Association meeting, District 10 councilman Jerry Allen told the group that he expected an announcement from Lake Highlands Town Center and its developers regarding an anchor tenant in a couple of weeks.
On June 26 one of those attendees asked me if we’d heard anything. I checked with the developers of the Town Center, Cypress Realty Advisors, both by email and phone (times two, the most recent only about an hour ago), but have not received a response. I even checked with Prescott Realty, the developers of the residential portion of the project , but of course their publicist told me to talk to Cypress. Jerry Allen’s official comment, via email: “Both parties are continuing their due diligence. Had hoped by now we would have an announcement but remain encourage by the work of both parties. I called him to see what he meant by “both parties.” I think we can assume he means Cypress and a potential tenant. As of this posting, I had not reached him for clarification.
Some tenants do appear to be occupying the Haven Lake Highlands apartments. And based on several Realtor, apartment hunter and renter websites, the place looks pretty posh inside. The Advocate will be heading out for a tour soon. Stay tuned for that.