Maverick Lake Highlands Women’s League Chairmen Lisa Johnson and Michelle Dishman are way ahead of the game, ready already to announce the homes and homeowners for this year’s “Holiday in the Highlands” home tour. Though it sometimes takes months to coax and cajole families to welcome a few thousand people into their home at Christmastime for charity, the following four are set and excited to go:
Kandy and James Smith, 9425 Estate, 75238
Stephanie and Ben Jeffery, 9332 Forestridge, 75238
Diane and Chuck Cheatham, One Vanguard Way, 75243
Tiffani and Steven Mackenzie, 9276 Cliffmere Drive, 75238
If you think the Cheathams sound familiar, their home in the Urban Preserve will be their second on the tour, so they are a repeat, but their home is not. That isn’t so uncommon, actually. LHWL has had a few repeat homeowners and a few repeat (and remodeled) homes.
Michelle and Lisa also announced that the Twilight Tour, made necessary due to 2013’s snowstorm, will become an official addition to the traditional daytime hours in 2014. This will be good news to attendees who work during the day, including LH’s teacher population. With more than $150,000 per year going to college scholarships, community projects and schools, teachers are some of LHWL’s biggest supporters, and the First Friday in December – tour day – had been jokingly known around LH as the most popular “sick day” in RISD. The 2014 date is Friday, May 5.
If you’d like to make a donation, Lisa and Michelle are already recruiting sponsors. You’ll find the LHWL website here, or you can like us on Facebook to get more info.