Proposed changes to the city’s conservation district ordinance could prevent any new districts from being formed, some neighbors say.
City Councilmembers Scott Griggs and Philip Kingston host the Dallas Homeowners League for a public meeting to explain and discuss the changes at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 28, at City Hall.
Proposed changes include increasing the number of neighbors in a proposed district that must sign a petition and a shorter timeline for neighborhoods to pull their proposals together.
The Dallas Builders Association is pushing for the changes, saying the city’s conservation districts, which make up about 3 percent of our housing stock, make neighborhoods “unbuildable.”
Former City Councilwoman Angela Hunt and lawyer Melissa Kingston, wife of the city councilman, were active in forming conservation districts in their own neighborhoods and were first to sound the alarm on the changes, which they and other conservationists say would prevent new districts.